"Our goals can only be reached through the vehicle of a plan. There is no other route to success."

034 | Five Stages to Success: Define, Create, Scale, Habits, Automate



Have you ever thought about the “cost” of doing business?

The financial, physical, and mental cost of it all?

After reading that 90% of new businesses fail and 10% of those fail within the first year and 45% of them within the first 2 years, I started asking myself, why?


So many reasons:

➛ burning through money
➛ lack of research
➛ bad partnerships
➛ ineffective marketing
➛ not being an expert in their niche


With entrepreneurship among women, specifically, women like us on the rise - that’s a lot of people giving up. 

In this week's episode of The Power of the Pivot, I share my perspective on the five stages of building a business and how those stages can help you keep going even when you feel like giving up. 

As an artisan, creative, and visionary shiny object syndrome can distract you and take you off course on the road to your dreams. A lack of a clear vision, plan, strategy, and systems can also lead to failure.


Here are a few takeaways:

📍creating systems for recurr...

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032 | Why it's Important to be Flexible and Prioritize Yourself


I was conversing the other day with a client and she asked me if she was the only one whose emotions waffled as much as hers.


And the answer was NO!


None of us are robots, even though the chatter and obsession around AI might be telling us differently. 


You’re human and your emotions will fluctuate from day to day if not from hour to hour.


In my groups, we call those down times “being under the covers.” Which gives everyone permission to feel the way they need to feel at that exact moment.


In this week’s episode of The Power of the Pivot podcast, I talk about those ups and downs and why now is a good time to reevaluate your intentions.


There’s always a lot of pressure surrounding those first-of-the-year aspirations or goals. Yet, you and I both know that 9 times out of 10, those ideas or dreams fall flat.


The reason why they do is because they are just words or ideas on a page. They lack a plan and or a strategy for achieving them.


I am here to tell you ...

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028 From Merch to Mini-Courses: A Marketing Strategy Shift


Are you convinced that your offer, product, or services are the end all be all? But for some reason, no one is buying what you are selling.

Good news! You are not alone!

How you convey your messaging will be the difference between building a 5-figure business and a 7-figure business.

As a solopreneur and a one-woman show, uncovering that secret sauce can be challenging. And in my experience, it doesn't really start to happen and come alive until you commit to investing in yourself. Either by hiring a coach, joining a mastermind, or surrounding yourself with people who want what you want.

That investment can be a scary and daunting one. I can still remember the first time I plopped down a few K to get the help I needed.

It was uncomfortable until I started seeing and feeling the transformation. That was "game over." Everything shifted from that moment on.

If you are not quite there yet, today's episode offers 5 tips to not only help you reframe your messaging but will also show you

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026 Be Your Own North Star


Fun fact;  most women over 70 don’t feel old.

I do believe that that is a testament to how valuable, knowledgeable, and strong you actually are.

As a woman who is part of the what’s next generation and seeking life beyond ambition, starting over or starting something new is never easy.

It takes time, patience, and most importantly, the willingness to see it through the highs and the lows. 


Being bold and having the confidence to say I am going to launch the business, the product, or the service is the first step. Building and executing it is a whole different set of challenges.

And because of that, most of these highly creative, educated, and industrious women are putting their trust in others to carry out their dreams. 

In this week’s episode of Get Your Shit Together, I am sharing with you the importance of tapping into your gut so that you can trust yourself before trusting others. 

Learning to do the “thing” which can be as simple as logging into your website or setting up yo...

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22 How to finish what you start


 Let's get real for a second.


I am going to let you in a little secret,.

You will never, ever, ever be done.


If you can wrap your head around this, being an entrepreneur might just get a little bit easier. 


The bigger question is, how do you be okay with that and what do you need to do in order to continue moving forward? 



In this week’s episode of the podcast, I am sharing 5 tips on how you can attack you can reframe productivity and eliminate distractions.


By the end of this episode, you will better understand how to recognize your small wins as progress and use that as the vehicle to keep you moving in the right direction. 


In addition, I give you a few tips on how to temporarily eliminate what’s holding you back, prioritize what’s important now, and outline your life pie.


There is no one magic pill to success.

Nor is there one system that works for all.

Uncovering parts of many ways to do the thing you are trying to do will ultimately help you develop

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018 Get Your Shit Together - Where's The Damn File?


Are you familiar with the beach ball of death, {{ first_name }}?

If you are a MAC user, then you might be all too familiar with the spinning beach ball that occasionally slows down your productivity.


I say "occasionally" with caution.


By the time people come to me for help with organizing their digital filing cabinet (a.k.a. their computer), the spinning beach ball of death is out of control.


And don't need a new computer!!


You simply need to create some order out of the chaos of your computer.

In this week's podcast episode of Get Your Shit Together, you will
learn my process for how I started tackling this beast of a project.


My hope for you is that you walk away with a little bit of inspiration to do the same. This step-by-step approach could be the difference between feeling as though you need to buy a new computer or saving the one you already have.

Here are a few key takeaways.

📍 Creating order out of chaos is liberating
📍 Why hoarding old files ...

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015 The Art Of Redesigning Your To-Do List


Do you have a lot of items on your to-do list?

One of the most effective ways of being productive and staying organized is by systematizing your tasks and to-do list. My friend and client, Laurey, used to have a 7-page (back and front) bible of notes until I helped her redesign it.


In today's episode, Laurey Bennett-Levy is our client spotlight. She's an artist, philanthropist, mentor, and all-around amazing human. Working together over the past 7 years, I have seen both the highs and lows of growing her artistic career.

During our conversation, Laurey shares how her life and career changed over the years and how each phase has led her to reignite her passion for creating art. But being an artist is not her only strength.


She knows how to bring people together and because of her generous spirit, she shares her knowledge and expertise in her 300+ member community. She also talks candidly about how she built a business in her 50s.


Here are a few key takeaways.

📍 How her gr...

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014 Get Your Shit Together: 5 Simple Tips to Organize your Computer


Is your computer a mess?

A cluttered computer can be challenging to navigate. Thus keeping those random photos, downloaded pDFs, recipes, and important documents tidy and organized is key to both your creativity and productivity.

In today's episode, "Get Your Shit Together," I am giving you bite-sized actionable tips you can take and apply to build your digital filing cabinet.

These simple tips will inspire you to clean and organize your computer so you have the confidence to use your machine in a way that serves you.

Here are the 5 tips you can expect to learn:

📍 Build the structure first
📍 Identify the different pillars or "drawers" of your life
📍 Pick one topic and one topic only
📍 Purge and merge
📍 Create your labeling system

Being a systems girl myself, there's one thing I've learned, it's that having some simple systems in place not only helps me with clarity but also leaves lots of room for growth and creativity. Whether you are building a business or not, creating order out of

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#128 Don't wait until January 1 to set your intentions!

I have never really liked New Year's Eve.


Aside from the fact that I don't enjoy dressing up, overspending on a meal that is never really that tasty, and don't really love big crowds.


But the real reason is because I don't believe that you need a reason to set intentions just because you are being told that it's a "new year, new you."

Every month, week, and even day are great excuses to establish goals, set boundaries, and celebrate your accomplishments. Even the small ones.

As I start to look at what 2023 could look like, I have been thinking about what are some things that I could do differently so that I can scale my business and organize my life in a way that feels authentic to me. 

Here are a few things that are part of my plan:

1️⃣ concentrate on building stronger relationships with organizations and institutions that resonate with my core values
2️⃣ build a bigger community of women who truly want to use their gifts and expertise to grow their impact and income
3️⃣ take a bi

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#126 - Where did the time go?

I am going to keep this brief - I promise!

Because, to be totally honest and transparent here, I am exhausted.

The fact that it's December 5th and I haven't put out one decoration or made a Hanukah list for my kids is saying something.

And it's telling me that I am tired.

I am ready for a break. A break from:


📍 my computer

📍 the constant dings and pings on my phone

📍 the emails pitching me to buy a bunch of crap

📍 the news

and the list can go on and on. But I won't bore you with that.


Instead, I am going to re-evaluate what's important. Take a look t my list from last year and prioritize what I want next year to look like.


One of the tools that I use to help me do that is the 360 Review. It's the perfect time of year to take the temperature of what you have accomplished ( or didn't), what you want your life to look like in the future, and where you are today.


My three tips today might help you lean into that.  

Tip #1
Instead of looking back on last year and t...

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