034 | Five Stages to Success: Define, Create, Scale, Habits, Automate



Have you ever thought about the “cost” of doing business?

The financial, physical, and mental cost of it all?

After reading that 90% of new businesses fail and 10% of those fail within the first year and 45% of them within the first 2 years, I started asking myself, why?


So many reasons:

βž› burning through money
βž› lack of research
βž› bad partnerships
βž› ineffective marketing
βž› not being an expert in their niche


With entrepreneurship among women, specifically, women like us on the rise - that’s a lot of people giving up. 

In this week's episode of The Power of the Pivot, I share my perspective on the five stages of building a business and how those stages can help you keep going even when you feel like giving up. 

As an artisan, creative, and visionary shiny object syndrome can distract you and take you off course on the road to your dreams. A lack of a clear vision, plan, strategy, and systems can also lead to failure.


Here are a few takeaways:

πŸ“creating systems for recurring tasks

πŸ“delegating responsibilities and managing the overwhelm

πŸ“how to avoid the shiny object syndrome

πŸ“gaining clarity on your vision and your plan (even when you don't have one)

πŸ“5 stages of building your brand


➀  You can listen to the full episode here.


If you are developing a personal brand or building a business, just know, it will never be easy nor will it be stress-free.

It’s simply the cost of doing business.

With that said, there are simple ways that you can strategize and plan your next move. Nothing ever happens, in my opinion, without a clear and concise plan. My program, The What’s Next Roadmap, will help you create that. 

WNR is a self-paced course that teaches you how to create your own custom productivity system so that you can achieve your dreams, desires, and wants. 

I am getting ready to announce the new and improved system (at a 50% discount) but because you are already on my “list” I am extending it to you now. This will be a limited-time offer, so if you have thought about it but haven’t pulled the trigger - now would be a good time to do that. 

➀  You can sign up here.


Have a great week!!

  Building a business in your 50s doesn’t have to suck!


50% Complete

Two Step

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