"Our goals can only be reached through the vehicle of a plan. There is no other route to success."

#125 - The 4 P's will set you free!🦋

This was the first Thanksgiving in a long time where I didn't feel stressed or frantic.


Do you know why? Because I had a plan. As a mom of three man-children, the expectations on this meal is very, very high.


My fault entirely. I have spent 25+ years setting up the promise of what ends up on our holiday table, so I take full responsibility for that. In addition, being the sole "cooker"(as my youngest used to call me when he was a toddler), there's much to prep and do.


But over the years, I have developed and adopted a system on how to make the process as effortless as possible. It wasn't until I wrote an e-book about my Thanksgiving meal and prep that I realized that my success in both life and business comes down to one thing.




Without them, in my opinion, you're pretty much screwed!


With only 34 days left in 2022, there is no better time to get your sh*t together and feel good about entering a new year. That's plenty of time to gain some perspective...

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#122 Why I loathe the word "goal"

There's something you should know. I actually loathe the word "goal."

I dislike it because I feel it's saturated and overused.

Don't get me wrong, goals are essential to achieving both life and business success. But I just feel like the word has become a tool for so many to sell their services, products, or expertise (or lack thereof). I almost feel as though it's a trap for those of you that feel vulnerable, overwhelmed, and stressed.


Unfortunately, being overwhelmed and stressed is a state of mind that you will feel at certain times in your life, month, week, and even daily. It's just a fact. And the struggle of getting on the other side of that emotion is ultimately reframing how you attack it.

Instead of focusing on the goal itself, it's my humble opinion that the key to getting to the goal is the systems you use to get you there. "The goal is the vision, the system is the roadmap".

I have worked long and hard on creating that system. And when I started sharing it with othe

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#121 Do you know where your digital files live?

Don't want to scare the crap out of you, but have you ever thought about how many computer files are buried on your computer's hard drive?


Most computers today have anywhere from 500GB to 1B of space. Does this mean you have so many files stored on your computer that you probably can't remember where they live?

I would bet you are one of the many that are shaking your head yes.

Life is busy. Or as I like to say "focused." The last thing on your big, fat to-do list is prioritizing and organizing your computer files. Out of sight, out of mind is what I always say and because you cannot physically see or tangibly touch those files, they are forgotten.


Until you want to create that birthday post for your kid and are searching for that one particular photo from kindergarten. An hour or two later, you are still diving deep down that rabbit hole.


What you intended to get done on that particular day is now pushed even further down your to-do list. Frustrated and tired, you ha...

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#120 Are you on information overload?

Do you ever experience brain fog?

I was asking because just recently, I was reading an article that said that the average person is processing about 75 GB of information per day. 

That means that the amount of information, entering your space and your brain is equivalent to watching more than 32 hours of television. That's 32 hours in one day. How is that possible? We only have 24 hours in a day.

When you look at it that way, it's no wonder that so many of us are struggling. 

Just the other day I was working with one of my clients who is carving out a completely new path for herself. It's nothing even remotely similar to her previous career (of 20+ years, I might add). She is completely committed to this new lane, but the hoops she has to jump through in order to get this new machine running is a lot for a one-woman show to handle. 

I knew she was overwhelmed - because she told me. So, in trying to help her feel less overwhelmed I realized a few things.

Being overwhelmed is gener...

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#119 - It's Time To "Purge + Merge"


Do you ever take things for granted?


I certainly do and was reminded of this the other day when a fabulous human in my group, Tech Talk, could not figure out how to share her “Zoom” screen.

Over the past 2 plus years, I bet you have used Zoom over a dozen times. And if you haven’t, I commend you.


When I got off that coaching call, I started thinking about all of those I have worked with over the years and how the majority of them are challenged when it comes to computer stuff.


I can confidently sit here and tell you that that is not me. And not because I am an above-average tech-savant but more so because I am wildly (to a fault) curious. Nothing lights my butt on fire🔥 more than figuring something out. Google is my friend and so are those “live chat” options that live in the bottom right corner of most digital platforms and apps.

But that is just me.

And the biggest challenge I see is that most of us can’t figure out how to do that. Life is overwhelming and it’s e

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#117 - 1 in 3 Women Are Leaving The Workforce

Did you know that 1 in 3 women are leaving the workforce?


1 in 3 - that’s a lot of women saying NO to everyone and everything else so they can FINALLY say YES to themselves.


Plenty of F-U’s going around and you know what…


…I like it!!!


Women like us (baby boomers and gen x’s) are the biggest untapped resource out there and it’s about time all of you start putting your talents, expertise, and experience where they belong.


And they belong out into the world so that you can take all the shit that you have been giving away (for years) for free and transform it into something you can actually get paid for. 


Right now we are officially in Q4 of 2022 and if you have been fantasizing about doing that “thing” you have always wanted to do, only to be shut down by your inner critic, well then listen up because there is no better time than now to make it happen.


If you think it’s too late to start over and start something new, I am here to tell you you are wrong. I have...

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#115 This one sentence changed my life

Did you grow up believing that there was only one path to success?


I did. 


I believed that you:


✔︎ Went to college 
✔︎ Got a 9-5 job
✔︎ Nabbed a partner
✔︎ Got married
✔︎ Start a family
✔︎ Plan for the future
✔︎ Balance career and family
✔︎ Retire and live your best life


For most of us, not the case.


Generally, it doesn't always work as planned. 


Most people I talk to are content. Most have gone down something sort of resembling that laundry list above and it’s “good enough.”


For me, life took a turn of events that I would never have seen coming. One after the other; tragedy, loss, and then a cancer diagnosis. I was so angry at the universe and was waiting for it to give me a break


It was this quote that gave me a little mini Ah-Ha moment; “Most millionaires have 7 streams of income.” ~ Tony Robbins.


I always thought being a Jackie of all trades was somewhat of a negative. As a multi-passionate, I always had my hand in several pots. But it didn't necessaril...

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#114 The number one reason why most people fail

Are you ready to hear why most people give up on their aspirations?


What I have learned over the past 2 decades guiding people (and this is just my perspective), is that people lose interest because they don’t know to transform their dream into action.


They also struggle with; 


👉🏻 imposter syndrome 

👉🏻 not having the support system to encourage growth

👉🏻 not knowing how to break down the big goal into the tiny details

Maybe you feel you are too old or missed the window of opportunity or that no one will take you seriously. 


To be totally honest here, I know what loss of identity feels like, firsthand. When I made a choice to pivot from my highly successful role as CEO and founder of my 7-figure, global lifestyle brand “take a break,” I felt paralyzed.


I spent way too many years in “the ole” (as I like to call it) and it took a cancer diagnosis to wake me the F up! 


You don’t need a traumatic jolt of reality like that to push you into what’s possible. That w...

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#107 Say NO to goals + YES to productivity

If you have been hanging out with me for a while you probably know by now, that I am a certifiable, obsessed systems girl.


 I have systems to:

đź“Ť run my business

đź“Ť keep my family nourished and fed

đź“Ť help others create the life they desire

đź“Ť prioritize and organize with a solid strategy


Let me ask you something. Do you feel distracted, pulled in a million directions, or frustrated? Only asking because I have been there. Until I developed really good systems as well as habits and rituals around those systems, I was saying YES to everyone around me. In realizing that by saying yes to them, I was in fact saying NO to myself. That was the ah-ha I needed so that I could stop whining and close the gap on who and where I wanted to be. 


I didn’t completely say F-You to everyone around me. That would have served no one. Instead, I carved out time in my calendar for myself, like actual real-time and commitments. And no matter how sexy the offer was to cancel on me, I didn’t (and do...

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