012 The Power in the Pause: Taking time to Rest, Review, + Reflect


When was the last time you reviewed your vision for success? Every now and then, we take a pause to reflect, review and re-evaluate the seasons in our life. Just like this podcast, I had to take a break because of the significant events that happened in my life.

But now, it's back!

In this episode, I share the reason why I took a break from creating, marketing, and scaling my business, as well as the lessons I learned in the power of rest. I also share an exercise that helps me to move fast and recognize how I want to show up for myself and my business in the future.

Here are some show highlights:

[02:32]. Receiving is not an easy act for me to embrace. At my core, I am the caregiver, and feeding others is my love language. Being comfortable with allowing others to take the wheel wasn't easy, but when I leaned into it, it got easier, and it was a huge lesson in both grace and gratitude.

[03:05] A pause from creating marketing, promoting this podcast, and ultimately growing and scaling my business. I learned a lot. I learned that there's a lot of power in baby steps, and I took the time to reflect.

[06:13] In both your reflection and your planning, it's super important to always use the same framework.

First, reflect on the past, the second project into the future, and third, plan in the present.

Also, if you haven't done so already, follow the podcast. I am always adding lots of bonus worksheets and templates to various episodes. You can find the full recording of the episode here and when you do,  please support it by downloading, subscribing, and sharing it with your people. 


Have a great week!

P.S. Grab a copy of Your 360 Review here - for FREE! And don't forget to sign up for my next FREE workshop; From Scattered to Efficient! 


50% Complete

Two Step

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