Do you ever take things for granted?
I certainly do and was reminded of this the other day when a fabulous human in my group, Tech Talk, could not figure out how to share her “Zoom” screen.
Over the past 2 plus years, I bet you have used Zoom over a dozen times. And if you haven’t, I commend you.
When I got off that coaching call, I started thinking about all of those I have worked with over the years and how the majority of them are challenged when it comes to computer stuff.
I can confidently sit here and tell you that that is not me. And not because I am an above-average tech-savant but more so because I am wildly (to a fault) curious. Nothing lights my butt on fire🔥 more than figuring something out. Google is my friend and so are those “live chat” options that live in the bottom right corner of most digital platforms and apps.
But that is just me.
And the biggest challenge I see is that most of us can’t figure out how to do that. Life is overwhelming and it’s easy to get distracted.
However, a few years back, what I was challenged with was finding my shit. A picture, a letter, a document, a pdf that I downloaded, etc. Where the F is all that stuff and why when I hit “control F” (find) do 3,000 other random files show up? All I really wanted was that one photo from when my son was sitting on the toilet for the first time!
And how about all those multiple files and folders on your desktop, your laptop, and the miscellaneous external hard drives?
No wonder most of my people just give up and forget about the thousands of things that are buried somewhere super deep in the ethers of their digital filing cabinets. A.K.A. your computer.
Those messages about your “storage being filled” are there as a reminder that your device is clogged and cluttered.
It’s no different than the drain in your shower or that proverbial junk drawer in your kitchen.
I bet you clean, organize, and purge your closets once or twice a year as well as your garage.
Your computer needs the same kind of love as your shoe and purse fetish.
“Purging and merging” is something I talk a lot about in my weekly group, Tech Talk 101, and if you are in the program, you know this term very well.
This week, my 3 tips will focus on my favorite place to start when you are ready, willing, and committed to getting your digital filing cabinet running like a well-oiled (and organized) machine!
P.S. If you are digging these three tips, you can get them in your inbox each week. Sign up here.
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